Gay Bed & Breakfast of Very Mild Terror: Christopher’s by the Bay in Provincetown

For every ghost story that I've written about, there are at least two more which either didn't make it into any current book due to time restraints and/or incomplete information or, because of discrepancies found during my extensive research, ended up getting dropped before they were even finished. Sadly, one story that never made it … Continue reading Gay Bed & Breakfast of Very Mild Terror: Christopher’s by the Bay in Provincetown

A Memorably Weird Life: That One Time I (Almost) Saw Bigfoot in Northeast Ohio

Other people have childhood memories of Star Wars, beach vacations, or going to Disneyland. I have memories of a crazed man screaming about seeing Bigfoot.

The Curious Case of the Haunted Testicle?

A rather creepy photograph has haunted Wales for nearly 22 years. While many may be unaware of it, one lucky gentleman has had his private bits immortalized by a rather comical article written up in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine.* An ultrasound performed in 1996 at Royal Gwent Hospital on a 45-year-old … Continue reading The Curious Case of the Haunted Testicle?

A Horrific Haunting in New Orleans’ LGBTQ Community: The Upstairs Lounge Arson Fire

In the summer of 1973, while gays and lesbians across the United States were celebrating the fourth anniversary of the Stonewall Riots in New York City with parades in several major cities, the disorganized LGBTQ community in New Orleans made little effort to hold any official gay pride events. Sunday, June 24, marked the end … Continue reading A Horrific Haunting in New Orleans’ LGBTQ Community: The Upstairs Lounge Arson Fire

A Bisected Body in Cleveland: The Queer Specter of the Torso Murders

Cleveland is a city of ghosts. And like most cities, it tries very hard to bury its darker past and paint itself in the most positive light. Mention its "Burning River", the Cuyahoga, which caught fire over a dozen times and people will shift the conversation to how clean its become; its decreasing population becomes … Continue reading A Bisected Body in Cleveland: The Queer Specter of the Torso Murders

Insidiously Queer: My Bizarre Date with a Former Satanist

Sometimes, first dates are memorable for all the wrong reasons. Before I continue, I'd like to say that a majority of my friends over the years have been non-Christian. I was raised without any overt religious upbringing or membership in any church; I was fortunate enough to choose my own spiritual path if or when … Continue reading Insidiously Queer: My Bizarre Date with a Former Satanist

The Mysterious Multo Parlorista: Unsolved Trans Murder in Manila?

Over the past decade, numerous anonymous people have mentioned queer ghost stories worth looking into: bridges known locally for high suicide rates, scary sites of hate crimes, haunted bars in various cities around the world, and plenty of rumored-to-be-gay individuals haunting well-known places. Without specific details (and sometimes, no specific locations), these vague recollections still … Continue reading The Mysterious Multo Parlorista: Unsolved Trans Murder in Manila?

Howl Me by Your Name: Questioning Sasquatch Sexuality

[An earlier version of this article was originally written for Week in Weird] Big, beefy, hairy. These words might describe the standard crowd you would find in any gay bear bar, yet they're also common descriptive words used by eyewitnesses of one of the most commonly-encountered cryptids: Bigfoot. Though the term "bigfoot" (originally two words: "Big Foot") … Continue reading Howl Me by Your Name: Questioning Sasquatch Sexuality

The Queer Hauntings Graveyard: LGBTQ+ Haunted Businesses We’ve Lost Since 2009

Though my interest in uncovering stories of LGBTQ ghosts and hauntings goes back a few decades, my pursuit of those tales and allegedly-haunted LGBT-owned businesses began in earnest around 2008 while I was still predominantly focused on local (straight) hauntings. I began to slowly uncover dozens of businesses that weren't too timid to admit that … Continue reading The Queer Hauntings Graveyard: LGBTQ+ Haunted Businesses We’ve Lost Since 2009